So That You Can Feel Protected At The Same Time?
Bonus #2: "Sacred Journey to Inner Freedom: Your Soul's Path to Healing" Is My eBook Where You Will Learn Mindfulness Exercises, Discover The Power Of Affirmations, Learn More About Spiritual Cleansing And Thinking, Healing Through Forgiveness, And MUCH Much More...
(Value: $47)
Let the spirit of the sacred healing plants of the Peruvian jungle take you on a journey of healing, protection, and reconnection to yourself.
I have never shared this with anyone before.
This will take your spiritual journey to the next level. (Value: ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!!)
Let the spirit of the sacred healing plants of the Peruvian jungle take you on a journey of healing, protection, and reconnection to yourself.
I have never shared this with anyone before.
This will take your spiritual journey to the next level. (Value: ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!!)
Do you feel like you can't find a way out from feeling stressed and overwhelmed and feel like your energies are all over the place? You are not alone!
The heavy energies have definitely risen to a level that if you are sensitive to them, and I bet you are, it's quite hard to maintain a space of peace and tranquillity within yourself and your home with what is going on in the world.
But... here is a proven way that will help you change this!
From the desk of Grace De Angeli
Smudging has become very popular even by people who never used these practices before over the last decade or so.
I believe the ancient practices are coming back to visit us and help us reconnect to what once was. Reconnect to the old ways.... to what once worked.... to the community, and to reconnect to ourselves.
But you know what the big problem is with smudging?
It's that most don't actually know how to actually do it right and find themselves kinda do it... and the heavy energy keeps lingering, making us feel overwhelmed, anxious and uneasy.
And this is why I thought to create this guide because I used to do the same until I was diagnosed with breast cancer and needed to take myself on a healing journey.
One of the destinations for my healing journey was the jungle of Peru.
It was there, working with the powerful shamans of that area, that I learned all about smudging the right way!
...and now I can share it with you!
Smudging has become a big part of my daily routine since I began to use it more seriously during my breast cancer journey after returning from the Amazon jungle and spending time with the shaman who has been my husband's teacher for many years.
That was when I understood a little more about it all and why my husband was always sharing with me the little secrets about smudging.
I remember when he once told me, "Grace, it's not only smoke..."
Now I know what he meant.
I used the same sacred smudging practice I will share with you every time I felt:
But also when I felt:
Smudging the right way has the power to effectively help yourself, your loved ones and your spaces get rid of stagnant & negative energies and create an environment of peace, tranquillity, and protection.
And now, with this guide and all the BONUSES, you can access the peace, tranquillity, happiness, and protection you have been looking for whenever your want.
- James B. - Brisbane, Australia
- Sara S. - USA
- Ana K. - Melbourne, Australia
- Sam P. - Bern, - Switzerland
- Kelly S. - San Francisco, - USA
Look, I know... You've seen things like this before.
And maybe you're wondering, "Is this really as it says it is?"
The answer is ... NO.
Here's why:
This isn't some "I am spiritual, and you're not" type of thing.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I went through the anxieties and uncertainties of not knowing how long I would be alive and how long I would be around my family and loved ones.
I know how it feels to be lost and overwhelmed.
It was in those moments that I learned the real purpose of smudging.
If you want to smudge only to make your home smell nice, then this guide isn't for you!
Sure your home would smell nice... but this isn't about that.
It's about feeling at peace, getting a break, and reconnect to ancient ways to help us find the answers within ourselves when we don't know anymore how...
And do it the right way...
This is why I created this... to pay it forward.
...and for you to be able to say, "I will be ok... It will all be ok in the end!" like I did only 2 years ago.
I am cancer-free today. I was blessed with a second chance, and now I want YOU to feel the same way!
(Value: $47)
Step 1: Go grab your copy of Energy Cleansing Secrets
Step 2: Make sure to use my "Gratitude Journal" so that you can count the blessings already available in your life, and get some tips when you are finding it hard to find what to be grateful for.
Step 3: Use "Healing Inside Out And Outside In" so that you can learn mindfulness exercises, discover the power of affirmations, learn more about spiritual cleansing and thinking, healing through forgiveness, and MUCH much more...
Step 4: Take full advantage of my "Healing Background Music" so that you can use it as your smudge practice companion to create beautiful, calming & protective energy for yourself, your loved ones and your home.
Thanks so much for reading this LONG page and I look forward to connecting with you soon!
With Love,
Inside the "Sacred Smudging Secrets" I will personally take you on a journey and show you everything I have learned so that you will never have to wonder if you are smudging the right way ever again.
This powerful tool will be your quick access to the knowledge I got from Maestro Don Rober, the Peruvian shaman who helped me during my breast cancer journey, and will become the inspiration you need on your spiritual journey. Get Yours Today For Just $27! (Value $197)